Monday, July 25, 2011

Rainbow Toad Photographed for First Time

Rainbow Toad Photograph by Indraneil Das, from Conservation International

After 87 years a never photographed Rainbow Toad has been rediscovered in Southeast Asia.This toad known as Sambas stream toad or Bornean rainbow toad, was last seen in 1924.

Read more from National Geographic about this amazing rediscovery below:

NASA Discovers Another Moon Around Pluto?

Two photos of Pluto, The circled is the new moon discovered "P4". Credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Showalter (SETI institute)
Using the Hubble Space Telescope Nasa has discovered a additional moon orbiting Pluto. The tiny, new satellite (temporarily named P4") was spotted in a Hubble survey while they where searching for rings around Pluto.

Click the link below to find out more about this new satellite.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hubble Hits One Millionth!!!!

Artist's concept of that planet, HAT-P-7b  (by: NASA; ESA; G. Bacon, STScI)

History was made on July 4, 2011, as the Hubble Space Telescope hits is one millionth observation while searching for water in a Jupiter class planet's atmosphere.  The Hubble Space Telescope was commissioned on April 24, 1990, and has made multitude of fascinating discoveries since it's launch. 

Read more about this discovery and Hubble Space Telescope below:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

CSA Flags

CSA "Battle Flag" Aka "Rebel Flag", by  georgiainfo

Did you know that the CSA's (Confederate States Of America) "Rebel Flag" (shown above) was actually the CSA Battle Flag?  As commonly mistaken by people today, the "Battle Field" Flag was never meant to represent the CSA as a national flag. 

During the US Civil War at the battle of Bull Run near Manassas Junction, Virginia, Confederate generals had fond the CSA National Flag of 1861-1863 "The Stars and Bars" (shown below) hard to distinguish from the United States National Flag and urged for a new flag to be made for battle field. 

"The Stars and Bars" 1861-1863 CSA National Flag, by 

Read More about CSA flags below:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Apatosaurus And Tyrannosaurus

How many Apatosaurus (AKA Brontosaurus) fell victim to the T-rex? Well, If you answered none, then you are correct. They were actually separated by quite some time. Apatosaurus lived 57 to146 million years ago (During the late Jurassic period), and the T-Rex lived around 85 to 65 million years ago (During the late Cretaceous period). A T-Rex would have never even seen an Apatosaurus, let alone attacked one. 

Time line extract from

Why is there such a misconception of this, you say? Hollywood movies have most of the blame. A lot of this misconception was derived from old, stop motion, animation films from the early 1900's that showed many scenes of a T-rex attacking an Apatosaurus. We now have this image buried in the back of our minds.

Check out these related links below to read more about this:

Monday, July 4, 2011

200 new species have been discovered

A pink-eyed Caedicia, photo from AFP/Conservation International
Did you know recently in the Pacific islands of Papua New Guinea over 200 new species have been discovered. This includes such as Montane mouse, Pink-eyed Caedicia, and two new species of Spiny ants. Such a large diversity of life discovered for one area makes us wounder how much more is there to discover about life on our planet.

Check out these links to discover more about this:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

On July 3rd 1754, George Washington surrendered.......

 Braddock Road Trace at Braddock's Grave (Ft. Necessity park), Photo from National park service
Did you know on this day in the year 1754, George Washington surrendered his troops to the French at Ft. Necessity (7 Years' War). This area is remembered today by a 903 acre national park in western Pennsylvania. Read more about this historical event and national park from the links below: