Thursday, June 30, 2011

Apatosaurus, AKA Brontosaurus... Huh?

Image by  Mike Souza, Click here for link
Did you know that the Brontosaurus's actual name is Apatosaurus? Back in 1879, paleontologist Othniel Marsh mistakenly placed a Camarasaurus head on an Apatosaurus and called it a Brontosaurus.  This mistake was eventually discovered and the correct head was placed on the body, which lead to renaming the dinosaur Apatosaurus.

Read more about this here:

Water on the Moon?

(Image from Nasa LCROSS mission page.) 

Did you know on 11/09/09 Nasa discovered water on the moon? On that date Nasa had slammed down the LCROSS sensing satellite (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) on the lunar surface to have at first only revealed debris, but when the dust cleared a significant amount of water was found.  Nasa reported that 25 gallons of water was found on the lunar surface in a creator named Cabeus.

Read more about this From the links below:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to tell the difference between a Mammoth and Mastodon!

(Photo shot at Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal by Project FeFe.)

If you walked into a museum and was asked "Is this a Mammoth or a Mastodon skeleton?" Would you know the answer to this question?  Can you tell the difference?  For our first random fact we made a quick amateur video to show you how to tell the different between these prehistoric mammals skeletons. 

(Video shot at Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal by Project FeFe.)

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Thanks for visiting Project FeFe's "Random Fact Of The Day" blog.  Here you will discover fact's about science, history, or the world daily.  Our first fact will be posted as soon as we work out some technical difficulties on photos needed for the post.  So please check back shortly, thanks.